1. Communicate. One of my favorite things to do is just sit and talk with my husband. It can be easy to get caught up in the busyness of day to day life and not really talk to your spouse. Ask them about how their day went and whatever is going on in their/your life.
2. Never stop dating. It is important to make time to spend with each other. Laugh and have fun together. Get dressed up and go out on a date. Maybe take turns planning a date to go on and have it be a surprise.
3). Motivate and support each other. Encourage your spouse to achieve their goals. There were times when I wanted to quit school, but my husband pushed me to continue and get it done.
4. Trust: Be open and honest with your spouse.
5. Be there for each other. That doesn't mean only through the good times, because things will get tough sometimes. Use the tough times to make your relationship stronger and use it to grow closer together.
6. Respect each other. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people post negative things about their spouse on Facebook. Or, they will say things about, or to their spouse that they would never say about anyone else. Sometimes it is easiest to hurt the people we are closest to by the things we say and do. Make it a priority to respect each other.
7. Listen. Really listen to your spouse when you have a conversation and take interest in the things they are saying. There is something therapeutic about talking about issues with others. Even if you can't help solve their problem, it sometimes helps just having someone there.
8. Never give up on them. You should be their biggest fan and they should be yours.
How do you stay best friends with your spouse?
Thanks for reading.